Medicine Men -- He's

Tice '76 (MBA '77) is among Wall Street's best at predicting stock market
downturns. No bull about it, he says, a severe bear market is about to
take a bite out of America' s assets.
By David Van Meter

IS A soupy gray day, but the hunt goes on. A strong breeze pushes the
meadow every now and then, but the two foxhounds still sniff out the birds
in hiding.
The oil
painting -- just inside the offices of David Tice and Associates -- also
hints at the hunt happening daily in this North Dallas investment research
David Tice
'76 (MBA ' 77) and his eight analysts work 60-80 hours a week, scouring
the Internet, picking apart annual reports, looking between top and bottom
lines, conducting storefront surveys, anything to figure the true worth
of publicly traded companies.
"I' ll even
ask my daughter what clothes her friends are wearing," said Tice, who
laughs... but is not joking.
The result since 1987 has been Beyond the Numbers, a buyer-beware report
that has become a must-have for serious institutional investors. It reads
something like this, in this case against the world' s most popular soft
drink maker this past August: . . . . We continue to see the market duped
by the accounting methods and other measures we have documented thoroughly
in the past. Coke has kept the dream alive on Wall Street and now trades
for an incredible 51 times earnings . . . . The drink may be the 'real
thing,' but the earning picture is something not to be believed . . .
In 1996, Tice took his business a step further by starting the Prudent
Bear Mutual Fund, a $160 million dollar fund that "sells short" overpriced
stocks. It' s simple really: Tice "borrows" an inflated stock on collateral,
sells it, and then goes back and buys it back for less, hoping that his
informed hunch will hold true and the stock will have tumbled to a more
realistic price.
It' s risky
business in a bull market. In its first year, Prudent Bear lost 13.7 percent
of its value. In 1997, it lost 4.3 percent. But in a bearish market, it
can pay off admirably.
In the third quarter of 1998, Prudent Bear was the nation' s most successful
mutual fund. While the benchmark S&P 500 slipped 9.9 percent, the Bear
gained 21.9 percent.
"We started Prudent Bear two years too early, but we felt that this market
has been overvalued since 1995," said Tice, whose analysts include Gregg
Jahnke (MBA ' 84), Jeff Middleswart ' 89 and Bill Whiteside Jr. ' 91.
"I like
prosperity as much as the next person.I
like to go to parties. But this economic party has gone on too long, and
a long hangover is on the way. In fact, it' s here. It' s so clear now
as it begins to play out in the economy."
For a guy
who should be laughing all the way to the brokerage house, this MBA and
CFA and CPA keeps a grim face and, on this October morning, has a nasty
cold coming on; the night before he was in Chicago, debating his views
on a panel. Afterward, he couldn' t hail a taxi and ran six blocks in
the rain to catch the subway.
It' s of
little consequence to what has become a crusade. A column in Barron' s
here. An appearance on CNBC there. A spot on PBS' s Nightly Business Report.
Behold, he brings bad tidings.
"It' s more
clear to us than ever before that this is the worst global economy we'
ve had in 50 years," Tice said. "The last three bear markets have taken
less than two years to recover from. What we fear is the market that takes
two decades for investors to get back to even."
Tice knows
a bear market when he sees one. He' s among the TCU grads who have gotten
their investment start managing the Neeley School' s nationally acclaimed
Educational Investment Fund.
The market
was so wobbly then that Tice earned his accounting degree, followed up
with his finance MBA, and then stayed away from Wall Street for a decade.
"David is
one of the most brilliant students I ever had the privilege of teaching,"
said Dr. Chuck Becker, associate professor of economics and finance."He
had this amazing ability to integrate economics, finance, accounting and
even history. He was really ahead of his time. And he apparently still
Finance Prof.
Stan Block agrees.
"I have
a tremendous amount of respect for David," Block said. "His Behind the
Numbers is the best analysis in the country, and he' s as tough as he
can be. . . . He takes such a strong position, and he doesn' t let anybody
knock him off of it."
But is he
David' s analysis has already been partially reflected; whether it' s
ultimately reflected remains to be seen," Block said. "There are still
some positives out there [a gross domestic product of around 3 percent,
for instance]. Every time it looks like the world is going to end, the
market shows unusual resilience and bounces back. But there' s no question
that what David is saying needs to be said."
Added Becker,
"Any time the market reaches this high a level for such a long time, it
becomes much more dangerous because it sucks in inexperienced investors
who think that the market will always be this wonderful."
Tice' s
mantra is that America is in a "mania" stage and on top of an economic
"bubble" -- where fear has been replaced by greed, and risk by return.
He gathers his perspective by looking beyond the bears of 1991, and 1987,
past the slump in 1966, even past the crash of 1929. He looks at manias
such as Holland' s run on tulip bulbs in the 1600s, which led to a 93
percent drop in value, or Britain' s South Sea shares in the 1700s, an
eventual 84 percent loser.
This market
is worse than any other previous U.S. stock market," he said, and flies
in the financial face of major economic indicators. Corporate pricing
power, consumer confidence, the trade deficit and individual savings are
all on the ebb and -- he underlines -- "there is way, way too much debt
in the world."
"We' ve
had a great party up until now because there' s been so much credit,"
he said. "(Federal Reserve Bank Chair) Alan Greenspan has helped preside
over all of that. He' s become the most respected person in the financial
world, so there' s this feeling that the central banker will continue
to be able to fix everything.
"The fact
is, nothing is bigger than the market. Asia' s come down. Eastern Europe
is coming down. Latin America is having its problems. There are not too
many other markets we can sell our stuff to. Jobs will be lost, credit
will go bad, and so it doesn' t matter how much interest rates are cut,
the banks lending to the sub-prime borrowers and the 125 percent home
equity loans are going to dry up."
To paraphrase
a recent Newsweek article, Tice concludes, the only thing that stands
between the world and a vicious deflationary bust is the IMF (International
Monetary Fund) acting as lender of last resort and the U.S. consumer being
buyer of last resort.
financial reports and spreadsheets lie in a disorganized mess around Tice'
s desk, where three monitors keep him plugged in to world markets. On
this day, Tice is dressed in an average suit, no tie, wearing brown loafers
with frayed shoelaces and listening to a radio that is at least 20 years
parents drilled the value of a dollar into him, he says with a shrug,
and he just can' t shake it. But that' s probably also partly why he has
the cents sense he does. The bear has already started to run, he concludes.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average will probably drop below 7,000 by early
next year. By the end of 1999, Tice believes it could be as low as 4,000.
"Not many
people believe what I have to say; it' s so out there relative to what
others are saying. But I have all the logic on my side."
And he has
advice for anyone who will heed it.
"Right now,"
he said, "you' re better off investing money that gives you an embarrassing
4 percent return than losing 40 percent of your investment." In short,
he adds, "Think preservation of capital."
"We feel
like it' s our job to warn people; some people criticize me, saying that
I' m only making it worse. To me, this is like musical chairs. And I'
m going to grab seats for me and others before the music stops."

To find
out more about David Tice' s bear market views, visit www.prudentbear.com.