Flipping the
light fantastic

Developing students
By David Van Meter

To borrow
from Kodak, beginning photography students took pictures -- further here's
a certain amount of technical information you need in order to take pictures;
you need to understand how the medium works," Photography Prof. Luther
Smith begins, to somehow explain the images hanging just up the stairs
from his Moudy office for most of the spring. The 20 or so prints are
the best from the beginning photography courses he and instructor Dick
Lane taught last fall. They seem like most pictures until you look closer
-- at the guy on the roof, his arms outstretched, at the apple with a
tree emerging from its center, at the woman staring forlornly down from
an apartment balcony above. "We try to emphasize ideas rather than
information. We encourage students to examine their own lives, to look
at the issues they're going through, and to make pictures of those,"
Smith said. "That's what art is, and until students do that, they're
just taking pictures."
design junior Jonah Ginsburg
versus nature? I have found the surreal approach to photography
very appealing. After viewing the work of Jerry Uelsmann, I began
experimenting with a technique he uses called blending. I began
placing objects completely out of context and altering the images
to make it appear true. The effect on the viewer is the most intriguing
part. Most people know that what they see cannot be real, but have
no idea how the image could be created. People are drawn to believe
their eyes, and these pictures force them to question appearance.
science senior Miya Sugiyama
break. Working at a Chinese restaurant on Camp Bowie Boulevard,
I met him. He doesn't like Japanese people; his father was killed
by a Japanese soldier. But he likes me, which is changing his attitude
toward other Japanese. His existence justifies me, as if he is saying
that I can be who I am, not a Japanese person, but just a person,
a person whom I always doubt. Under the superficial and fake masks,
sometimes I cannot justify myself, but this time he did it for me.
We speak different languages, but I smile, and he smiles.
art senior Kerrie Conover
"We are influenced at a young age about what is attractive,
what is good, what is bad, what to eat, what to drink, what is
cool and how to look. We then become critical of other people's
beliefs, opinions, and way of living and acting if they are different
from ourselves. Assumptions are made and judgments are passed
and very rarely do people attempt to dig beneath the surface to
know the real person inside or find out why they are the way they
are. I have been the victim as well as the guilty party in this
world of images and ideals." --