War torn
Perspectives of a nation in combat.
We see it. Read about it. Talk about it.
The war our nation fights is all around us.
Yet it isn’t.
Daily life remains unchanged,
unless you’re directly involved.
The following essays are not about
the right or wrong of the war in Iraq.
Nor whether we should be fighting it.
They are simply about some Horned Frogs
whose lives have been affected.
And how.
A soldier
Squared Away
By John Van Hook '94
An Army Nurse
The Oz of Abu Ghraib
By Kyle Ewing '96
A journalist
A Day in the Green Zone
By John J. Lumpkin '95
A reservist's wife
In the Army now
By Tracy Sterling Bristol '80
A government official
The Prism of 9-11
By Christopher Walker '86
A political scientist
And the winner is...
By Dr. James Riddlesperger
