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TCU Magazine "Academe"

Creation Controversy | Take the Survey

Based on responses from 570 TCU students. All graduate and undergraduate students received an e-mail from the magazine directing them to a Web-based survey. Here are the results.


Female 341 (59.8%)
Male 229 (40.2%)

Freshmen 105 (18.4%)
Sophomores 97 (17.0%)
Juniors 108 (19.0%)
Seniors 215 (37.7%)
Graduate Students (7.8%)

Question 1: How familiar are you with the debate surrounding Intelligent Design?

Very Familiar 316 (55.4%)
Somewhat Familiar 215 (37.7%)
Not Familiar 39 (6.9%)

Question 2: Which of the following most accurately reflects your view?

Humans evolved; God guided the process 223 (39.1%)
Humans evolved; God did not guide the process 114 (20.0%)
God created humans in present form as described in the Bible 211 (37.0%)
I don't know/I have no opinion 14 (2.5%)
None of these/I have an opinion not listed 8 (1.4%)

Question 3: Is it possible to believe in both God and evolution?

Yes 449 (78.8%)
No 98 (17.2%)
I don't know 23 (4.0%)

Question 4: Do you consider Intelligent Design to be Science?

Yes 202 (35.4%)
No 275 (48.2%)
I don't know 93 (16.2%)

Question 5: Which should be taught in public schools?

Evolution only 175 (30.7%)
Intelligent Design only 36 (6.3%)
Both Evolution and Intelligent Design 322 (56.5%)
I don't know/I have no opinion 37 (6.5%)

Question 6: Which of the following comes closest to your view about the relationship between science and religion?

They agree with each other 253 (44.4%)
The conflict with each other 148 (26.0%)
They're not related/No relationship between them 128 (22.4%)
I don't know/I have no opinion 41 (7.2%)

To read what students wrote in the optional comments space, click here.