A Tale of Two Countries | For the Record

A Tale of Two Countries
Like most boundaries, the nearly 2,000 mile-long U.S./Mexico border is a jagged, blood-laced line that has divided homes, cities and cultures for generations. Now it slices through our politics and into the hearts of millions of people who cross from one side to the other. And even those who don't. While current discussions about immigration aren't just about this border, most of the concerns are. We turned to the TCU community to seek their thoughts. We welcome yours as well. Send letters to the editor to tcumagazine@tcu.edu, or TCU Box 298940, Fort Worth, TX 76129.
Protect us from the criminal element.
By Jeffrey B. Bumgarner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, criminal justice
Save lives. Then talk.
By The Rev. Robin Hoover '74 (MDiv '79)
Founder, Humane Borders
Make citizenship accessible to those who will contribute.
By Tara Pope Perez '00
TCU Physical Plant Employee
Create laws that are fair and concise.
By Maria Ibarra
Sophomore, Movement Science major
Develop a work-based, binational agreement.
By Juan Hernandez '78 (MA) (Ph.D. '81)
Author, political advisor
Open the door for the ones already here.
By Bud Kennedy '76
Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist
Get the facts.
By Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, political science
Comment about this story at tcumagazine@tcu.edu
