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Coachspeak | Brian Estridge

Patterson’s new
slogan a beaut
By Brian Estridge
It's that time of year again -- the beginning of classes, the beginning of a new semester and the beginning of the magnificent debut of the newest, smartest and best coach slogans on the planet.
When executed properly, a coach slogan energizes an entire team, a school and a city. Of course, the opposite also is true. A poor one can lead to a downward spiral.
"We're all we need!"
"Players Must Play!"
"One Game at a Time!"
Not very original, wouldn't you say? The coaches who authored these nuggets deserve a semester in Literature 101.
Then there are slogans that took some thought -- maybe too much -- such as "MTXE," which stands for "mental toughness and extra effort." Hmmm. I get it, but I don't like it. Makes my head hurt.
But Gary Patterson is a coach who understands that crafting the right slogan for his team is as important as depth on the defensive line.
Try these oldies but goodies on for size:
- "Count Me In!" Gary was making sure everyone was on the same page in 2003 when chasing the same dream. Eleven wins later, I'd say it worked.
- "Make It Personal!" A new league (the Mountain West) and new opponents inspired Gary to make sure his squad got up close and personal. Eleven wins later in 2005 and 2006, I think it worked.
This year, Gary outdid himself. With expectations going bonkers and pre-season magazines picking the Frogs to be this year's version of Boise State, he needed something short and very sweet.
His creation: "Prove It!"
It's a masterpiece. A work of art. It fits this season like a snug pair of receiver gloves. It's the perfect slogan for what many believe could be a perfect season.
My only question now is . . . how do I get a T-shirt?
Brian Estridge is the play-by-play voice of the Horned Frogs. Write to Brian at