Cover Story: Top Frog
Chancellor-elect Michael R. Ferrari, who puts the pedal to the metal on July 1, knows where he's been and knows where he's going.
Practicing Medicine
From physicians who are healing today to the premed students who will make a difference tomorrow, TCU has one stellar premed program.

Alma Matters |
A little of a lot going around University Drive-and "Studentspeak," a campus view from one students perspective.
Academe |
TCU students are going to Biosphere 2 to learn about biosphere one...and the music department has become hotter than a jalapeno pepper.
Memīries Sweet |
TCU's newest building brings to mind one of the campusī oldest ones.
Riff Ram |
The natural ending for the annual Battle at the Ballpark...the woman golfers are aces at the hole...the men's 4x100 burns it up at the Penn Relays...
Purple Heart |
Easy Riders? No, just a handful of Longview Frogs on Harley hogs.
Class Notes |
Class notes
Purspectives |
Todd Camp ī88 returns for his 10-year reunion-and so does his irreverent campus comic strip