Cover Story: The 21st century TCU
The university charted its first official master plan in 1991, imagining what the campus of the 21st century would be like. Challenges then are
similar to today: finding a front door for TCU, deciding where to put parking and enhancing the physical beauty of the
campus. Seventeen years and three chancellors later, that vision and a lot more is taking shape.
War stories
A fall Media Writing/Editing II class project explored the impact of the Iraq war on TCU alumni, students and faculty.
From NASA telescopes to hydration science to the reasons we wait in line, TCU researchers are exploring unchartered areas of academia. This year, our annual online research feature looks at the work of 15 extraordinary professors.

Alma Matters |
Frog Fountain flows purple ... a new partnership for Schieffer School ... Education dean to retire ... Spring 2008 in pictures ... and more.
Letters |
Readers share their opinions on Athletics, Jarvis, Linda Kaye and more.
Academe |
AIDS benefit dance concert ... community gardening to help Tarrant County ... new environmental club ... and more
Memīries Sweet |
The Brown-Lupton Student Center will come tumbling down in June. A look back at the 53 years where it was the nexus of student life.
Riff Ram |
First Person with Frog Club prez John Denton ... Women's basketball's Helena Sverrisdottir ... Baseball's comeback man ... Tennis' Dave Borelli ... Rifle is No. 3 in the nation.
AlumNews |
When fighter pilots began reporting out-of-body experiences during G-force blackouts, Dr. James Whinnery '72 tracked the cause.
Notables |
Tom Siegfried '74; Krista Tatschl Eyler '98; Jaime Walker Blanton '02; Karyn Otta Sanchez '01; Sarah Schwaller '03
Back Cover |
Winners of Residential Life's Campus Cribs contest.
Comrades True |
Letters poured in about Linda Kaye. Here's one more story about her - this time her tangle with the Secret Service.