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in the Middle: The "C" in TCU
| C is
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C is for challenging perceptions
By Gregg Franzwa
Professor of Philosophy

"C" in TCU is an anachronism. It reflects the school's original 19th century
mission, but not its present one. And as such, it is often, I fear, misleading
to those outside the university.
Not long
ago a student in our introductory philosophy class asked me if our department
was forbidden to teach anything about the Skeptics, an ancient school
of thought. She told me her boyfriend had assured her that we were not
permitted to teach anything that questioned religion. But after hearing
professor Galvin's lecture that day she began to suspect her boyfriend
was wrong.
I think many
in the faculty and administration would vote to change the name if it
were possible. There are several good reasons to do that. The most important,
from my perspective, is the fact that we no doubt lose a number of bright
potential students every year who do not even consider coming here because
of their false perception of us as a Bible college.
my deepest reservation is in regard to the very notion of a Christian
university. The fundamental mission of a university is to seek truth in
all things. But the objective search for truth is not consistent with
the promulgation of religious dogma, anymore than it is consistent with
the teaching of particular political ideologies. Thus I think we must
be especially careful to make it clear that we are not in the dogma business,
since there are many, including some of our own students, who think that
we are or that we should be.
I think
TCU generally does quite well at maintaining the distinction between preaching
and teaching. I know, for example, that in the religion department this
distinction is scrupulously observed. Quite to the dismay of some of their
first-year students, the members of that department maintain an admirable
level of scholarly objectivity in their classes. And I am certain that
the same is true of the vast majority of the TCU faculty.
As with
so many things in life, the problem is not with the reality but rather
with the perception. TCU has changed over the years, and changed for the
better, I think. The faculty and staff do not have a religious bias. We
just have to make sure that the rest of the world knows it.