Cover Story: In the Green Chair
It's not the color of the chair but the tint of who sits in it that continues to make the Green Honors Chair something special
Three's charm
For the first time ever -- and thanks to one special teacher -- TCU sends three students to the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition

Alma Matters |
TCU has questions, RadioShack has answers ... Women, womin, womyn ... and more
Letters |
Where's your letter?
Academe |
Lighting students set the mood in Moudy, and photography students took pictures further.
Riff Ram |
This spring's NCAA-contending women's basketball team gives English Prof. Bob Frye memories of the first squad -- of which he was coach
Purple Heart |
Senior Tara Watson -- better known as Miss Texas -- is much more than a pretty face
AlumNews |
Comedian/author Carl Kozlowski '93 ... AA Pilot Jim Chaffee '64
Class Notes |
Where's your class note?
Purspectives |
From the heart of a fire to the heart of a campus, two female students make the greatest discovery: themselves