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That competitive drive
It was get-yer-hands-dirty work.
But that didn't stop several dozen executives and supply chain managers who sweated out an April afternoon in the pit area of Texas Motor Speedway during Pit Stop Challenge, the highlight of the Neeley School's Supply and Value Chain Center's 2005 Global Supply Chain Conference. More than a half-dozen teams raced the clock (and each other) through a full simulated NASCAR pit stop -- changing tires, topping off fluids and refueling the driver.
"It forced us to command the best of their teamwork and communication skills -- not to mention some muscle and elbow grease," said participant Michael Swaldi of The Staubach Company.
The conference attracted more than 150 people from North Texas businesses with the theme "Shaping the Future: Supply Chain Trends & Best Practices." Focused on offering perspectives in technology and integrated eBusiness strategies, participants discussed innovation through collaboration, shared metrics with supply chain partners and supply chain partnering strategies. Not to mention the fastest way to loosen lug nuts.
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