Cover Story: Far from Normal
TCU's 10th chancellor, Victor Boschini Jr., may have come from Normal, Illinois, but he's anything but average. Teacher, friend, leader, mentor, he's poised to lead TCU to that important "next level."
A man on a mission
Chancellor Michael R. Ferrari -- An appreciation

Alma Matters |
The new Smith Hall ... the campus responds to war ... Honors Convocation ... and more.
Letters |
Where's your letter? Send yours to tcumagazine@tcu.edu.
Academe |
Dr. Lisa Burnell and her computer science students are developing technology we won't be able to live without in the homes of the future.
Memīries Sweet |
Circa 1971 - Chancellor Moudy dodges draft dodger David Harris
Riff Ram |
From award-winning TCU football broadcasts to daily updates on ESPN Radio, Brian Estridge is a regular on the Metroplex airwaves in season or out.
AlumNews |
Theater company Amphibian Productions is home to a multitude of Horned Frogs.
Class Notes |
Where's your note? Send it to tcumagazine@tcu.edu.
Notables |
Jay Warren '94; Mary Alice Bennington Yelverton '50; Kenneth Barr '64; Jeremy Stephanek '94; Gayle Goldberg Stout '57
Back Cover |
Chancellor Michael Ferrari signs off on a stellar career as TCU's CEO.
Purspectives |
Watch your language: Our modern slang