Cover Story: Where Next, Valerie Neal?
How a TCU liberal arts graduate came to be in charge of one of the Smithsonian's top space artifacts. The story of Valerie Neal '71.
Peace Corps Frogs
Horned Frogs serving in Guatemala with the Peace Corps find more than a job. They find a new life.
Provost Koehler retires
After 35 years, TCU's first provost William H. Koehler retires, leaving behind a legacy of excellence and a deep love of university.
Socrates Today
Socrates was the honored guest, posthumously of course, at the International Socrates Symposium held on campus in April.

Alma Matters |
Boschini Inauguration ... a new campus minister ... Hyman honored ... A change for Homecoming
Letters |
Where's your letter?
Academe |
First group of Community Scholars graduate ... New research on teen-age girls at the mall
Riff Ram |
A rally for baseball...streaks in golf continue...big seasons for track and tennis... and more!
AlumNews |
James Cash '69
Class Notes |
Where's your class note?
Notables |
Kelly Marino '02, Hilary Kennedy '01, Jennifer Waddell '97, David Bonner '03
Back Cover |
Laughs at Spring Reunion
Purspectives |
Fresh off the reality TV hit "The Apprentice," Amy Henry (MBA) '97 is holding the Trump card.